Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Repugs: May I See Another Menu?

The latest Associated Press-Ipsos poll found that nearly a quarter of Republicans are unwilling to back top-tier hopefuls Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, John McCain or Mitt Romney, and no one candidate has emerged as the clear front-runner among Christian evangelicals. Such dissatisfaction underscores the volatility of the 2008 GOP nomination fight.

In sharp contrast, the Democratic race remains static, with Hillary Clinton holding a sizable lead over Barack Obama. The New York senator, who is white, also outpaces her Illinois counterpart, who is black, among black and Hispanic Democrats, according to a combined sample of two months of polls.
That's no surprise, honestly. None of the candidates fit the traditional bill for a Repug candidate: Giuliani has his 'liberal' tendencies; McCain railed away at the ChrisCons in 00; and Romney is inconveniently Mormon. In addition, their latest stab at the White House (Shrub) has been less than stellar.

On the other hand, the DemoBratz are waxing a bit nostalgic about the 90s and Hillary, being a woman, fits into their ideological preferences (aka "progressiveness"). Obama is a second placer, honestly, that would fit as well. His main problem, from what I can see, is that he lacks track record on the national scene. Or at least exposure. Hillary's had that for a decade and a half now.

My only issue is that if Hillary wins that means that two families will end up being in control of the White House for almost three decades. That I am not comfortable with that idea.


  1. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Hillary has the disadvantage that a lot of people hate her quite passionately. If she was running for the Dems, she might encourage the Reps to get out and vote for their guy.

  2. The problem is that the Repugs - which is Me 2! - are unhappy with their guys too. I am among the rare, near extinct liberal wing of the party, but...

    I don't hate Hillary. She's not my top choice for a Demobrat I'd vote for if I were to just look at her and her alone. However, she's married to a previous Prez....and as I said, I don't like the whole two family control of the state thing. Smacks too much of all Rome's Republic. Uncomfortably so.
