Saturday, August 04, 2007

Damn Going to Miss the Deadline

The second iteration of the Bone Yard Paleo Blog Carnival is going to be up later today. I don't have time to finish up my post on the Late Triassic Extinction, alas. I need to double check and expand some areas as well as put in the citations. I just don't have time.

Reason being that I am going to be headed out to a training class in Atlanta Georgia for work. My wife and daughter are coming along to explore another part of the US that none of us have been to before.

I dunno how much blogging I am going to get done next week. We shall see.

HOWEVER! Do go check out the Boneyard! I am sure that there will be a billion wonderful posts there on all things Deep Time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Hey Will, thanks for the plug. I did include one of your recent paleo-posts on the dinosaurs of darkness, so you're still in there. :)
