Tuesday, August 07, 2007

One VERY Good Restaurant

Yesterday was our three year anniversary. I was stuck in class all day and my wife and daughter were badly, badly jet-lagged. They mostly slept and I was looking exhausted and a little bored in class. They didn't get the the useful bits - for me - until the very end of the class yesterday. We were obviously having a crummy day. However, we were very bent on going out to dinner and celebrating our marriage.

I went to the consierge at our hotel and asked for some recommendations - which was a mixed bag at best - but she printed out a list of local restaurants that are near the hotel. They turned out to be not as close as we had thought based on what the woman had said. We originally wanted to go to a Morroccan restaurant, but they were overbooked it seemed. We settled on 10 Degrees South, a South African cuisine restaurant.


That just rocked. Wow. It was expensive. Trader Vic's expensive. We started with beef biltong. Then we had a sampler tray with Boerwors, Ostrich fillets, a rack of lamb, and Sosatie. That sampler came with some mashed potatos and vegetables. Normally, we would dismiss the side dishes as unworthy of comment, but this time they were fantastic. We ended up ordering a whole second plate of the sosatie.

To make the experience even better, we ended up with some amazing service. The guy was attentive and on the ball. I haven't had this level of service in California, ever. I loved it. My wife loved it. My daughter loved it. We generously tipped on the order of what I used to do back when I was single in New Mexico.

If you go to Atltanta and have a bit of money to splurge on a meal, I really recommend 10 Degrees South.

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