Monday, October 22, 2007

Books Ordered

I decided to go out and pick up some books. Since Mexico, immigration, and my semi-stupid, ahem, quixotic crusade to annex Mexico looms large in my mind, I picked up some more books on the matter. I also picked up a book on Russia's far east, US immigration policy, and the evolution of the dinosaurs. All of these were picked up used to save a little dinero. I have a good chance I'll be ordering more books very soon and those will be new.

In the Mexican category, the first one is Politics in Mexico: The Democratic Transformation. The second one is Distant Neighbors: A Portrait of the Mexicans. Then there is Mexico: Biography of Power. Further is also Opening Mexico : The Making of a Democracy. Don't worry, Noel, your books will come in the next round of books on Mexico. Probably not used either. Gotta make sure an author I like and respect greatly (!!!) is properly paid. Even if they're fscking expensive. :P ;)

Then in the immigration policy arena, I picked up Guarding the Golden Door: American Immigration Policy and Immigrants since 1882. On the little more rabid side, I also bought Illegals: The Imminent Threat Posed by Our Unsecured U.S.-Mexico Border. Hey, it was a buck and I need to understand the arguments of those opposed to letting Mexicans in, nevermind annexing them!

WRT Russia, I picked up Russia's Far East: A Region at Risk. If you all think we have a border to be worried about...Russia has a whole country to be nervous about (demographics) and a border that makes the US ones seem...almost pathetic.

Finally, I picked up a paleo book. I wanted to get more, truthfully, but they're more expensive than the books on Mexico. Since I want to do a good write up of the KT Mass Extinction, I need to do a little more research to back up what I am going to say. Since I rather love the ole dinos, I ordered The Evolution and Extinction of the Dinosaurs. Used too. I actually got it for the 'song' of $7. Normally through amazon its around $65.

The next order of books will probably actually take place in the near future. I'm going to see if I can slip in something from Gerta Keller, even though I am completely and utterly at odds with her positions. :)

This post was inspired by Suzanne and her efforts to beat statistics. Depressing ones at that.

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