Thursday, October 04, 2007

Final Ukrainian Election Update

With 99.97% of the vote counted, it's highly unlikely that any shakes ups are going to happen. Indeed anything other than a .01 or .02 percent change for ANY of the parties would be crazy suspicious and pretty blatant at this point. The standings are as follows:

Party of Regions (Yanukovich) 34.36%
Block of Yulia Tymoshenko (duh) 30.72%
Our Ukraine - People's Self Defense Block (Yushchenko) 14.16%
Communist Party 5.39%
Block of Lytvyn 3.96%

The Socialists have definitely and unrecoverably fallen below the 3% requirement, so....byebye Moroz you PITA! HA!

So what happens now? My bet is, unless Yushchenko blows it - and there are hints he might - that Tymoshenko is going to form the government and become Prime Minister again. If she does not, then next go 'round for the elections will deliver the Rada to her on a platter: she'll probably get over 50% the next time - an outright majority - and the other parties be damned.

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