Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Fox News Republican Debate

Don't expect anything in depth here. Just a few comments.

I have to say that this wasn't as good as I had hoped. I should have known better, truthfully. The whole ridiculous 'I am more conservative than YOU are!" thing was just plain silly. McCain seems less stiff and more like that old him that I supported back in 00. Thompson has in both debates completely underwhelmed me: what was the big deal with this guy again? Romney seemed...ok. Guiliani continues to kinda creep me out and I can't figure out why. Tancredo and Hunter ought to drop out. I suspect that they will after January's madness. Ron Paul. oy. My head hurts.

McCain seemed to have some of the best lines of the night, (re too tied up for Woodstock and looked into Putin's eyes and saw three letters: K-G-B) but this isn't really about wise cracks. Guiliani brought up Ukraine which was a little out of the blue. The poor country seems to get ignored most of the time. However, as much as I appreciate the Putin bashing, let me say that there are far more pressing items than the much weaker than USSR Russia such as the economy, Iraq, education (with blink tag), social security, and immigration. Waxing goofy over Russia is something of a waste of time. Even if I DID appreciate McCain's comments. O:)

What really appalled me was two things. The first was the focus group. I know hat you could find more than find more than just that frumpy, pasty group as one that would have relevance to the Republican Vote in Florida. Good grief! I think I saw one person that wasn't of the pasty persuasion in there. Geez. This is Florida for crying out loud! There are almost certainly some Latinos that would have been interested in being included. The second item that appalled me - and FN isn't the only one that's guilty of this! CNN and MSNBC is too! - they kept only talking and asking questions of the frontrunners. Oh, they'd stop and ask the others, occasionally, but geez, folks, a little more even distribution of the questions would be a good idea.

The most amusing thing that FN did was that they are pretty clueless as to how to run a poll using txt messaging. Ah well.

Still disappointed with the field to this point.

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