Thursday, October 11, 2007

Republican Debate: Economics?!

I am at home working while Avrora is sleeping. I am listening to the Republican Debate that was run by MSNBC. First off, let me say that MSNBC stated that the debate was supposed to be focused on the economy. My Dear Lord, they have no control over this debate whatsoever. Why are they asking questions on Iraq and Iran? gah.

Secondly, I just can. not. understand. what the frack these candidates are thinking. Rarely has anyone on that stage answering in anything like a coherent fashion. It's like there's some sort of a mental disconnect between the candidates hear and what they spew out. It has so little to do with a reasonable answer that it ius just, frankly, amazing. Romney's anwer about lawyers?! Guiliani and Romney singing, "Whatever you can do, I can do better!" Then the crappy answers that anyone says. oy. I have to choose between the twits on the stage come primary time. oy. oh oy.

Finally, the questions that MSNBC's questions, even those that are on the economy are simply inept and lack any depth. I guess, if the questions are not any good, the answers are going to suck just as much. Gah. Be specific and dig for a good answer instead of nonanswers these bimbos are piddling out on the floor in front of us.

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