Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Russian Spy Chief: West Wants to Destroy Russia

Russia's security chief said that Western spies were working to weaken and break up the country and singled out British agents as the most intrusive, according to an interview published Wednesday.

Nikolai Patrushev, who heads the Federal Security Service, the main KGB successor agency, also claimed that foreign spies were working to foment discontent in Russia in the run-up to December's parliamentary elections and the presidential vote next spring.


"Politicians thinking in the categories of the Cold War still retain their influence in a number of Western nations," Patrushev told the weekly Argumenty i Fakty. "They have claimed credit for the collapse of the Soviet Union, and they are hatching plans aimed at dismembering Russia. They are viewing special services and their organizations as an efficient instrument for their implementation."

Patrushev said that foreign spies were focusing their efforts on gathering information related to Russia's elections. "They are trying to influence protest feelings and demonstrations in Russia."

He singled out Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6, saying its agents "aren't only gathering intelligence in all areas, but they are also trying to influence the development of the domestic political situation in our country."


Patrushev said that his agency had learned how to counter British intelligence.

"We know both its strong and weak points," he said. "Since the times of Elizabeth I, (MI6) agents have been guided by the principle of the ways justifying the means. Money, bribery, blackmail, exemption from punishment for crimes committed are their main recruitment methods."

uh huh. "Politicians thinking in the categories of the Cold War still retain their influence in Russia" might be a more accurate thing to say. From my point of view the West, especially after 9/11 approached Russia as a peer and ally. Since then, Putin has turned out to be a viper and then some, not the West.


  1. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I understand how you might feel. There's a lot of propaganda out there. It was Russia who offered support to the US after 9-11, as well as most of the rest of the world, but after the Iraq War and the lingering question that has never been really answered, why the war the war with Iraq? ....

    I think that the West, the US in particular, never really had the intention of making an ally of Russia, even after the fall of Communism. The US, after all, increased it military arsenal in the early 1990s even though it had no major global threat. One must ask, why?

    There's too much information of the global strategic plans of American neocons, who are now in control of US foreign policy, that give way to the notion that the US, and Europe following the "super power", have had plans to control all world resources of energy ... , i.e. the US had imperialistic intentions for some time now.

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Yes, it was an attempted coup d'etat against Putin, leader of a nuclear superpower.

    Watch the video 9/11 syndicate 2 London MI6
