Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Why Global Warming is Inevitable: Kyoto was a Pipe Dream

Canada has no chance of meeting its commitments to cut emissions of greenhouse gases laid down by the Kyoto climate change protocol, the minority Conservative government said in a policy speech on Tuesday.

Not even the goodie two shoes Canucks are going to meet the goals.

That strongly suggests that even a strong, but smallish - in terms of people - economy cannot make Kyoto work, then it was fundamentally flawed in the first place. Furthermore, it implies that those making the policies and doing a lot of the politicking related international relations are not necessarily in touch with reality.


(hmm. that really needs a fscking blink tag. I'll resist that temptation.)

Making up numbers and puttering them around a conference table with no connection to what is really possible makes for something nigh-on 1984ish "we've always been at work with East Asia!"-esque: claiming that you are making progress and trumpeting that these things work when in fact they are emphatically not is Orwellian in a very frightening sort of way. A Shrubbish sort of way.


The Greens are Bush in Birkenstock's. Who'd have thunk it. ;)

A little more seriously, realism, giving straight, honest answers, and setting realistic goals are the only ways of getting this climate change mitigated. Yes, mitigated. We're not going to be able to stop it.

Welcome back to the Eocene, folks. Kinda. Sorta. Not really. It's going to be something new and very...interesting. Climate doesn't repeat.

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