Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Putin's Renewed Interest in Belarus

Vladimir Putin could become the leader of a land even larger than Russia — a development that may hinge on talks beginning Thursday in neighboring Belarus.

Putin has unexpectedly revived efforts to create a single state from the two former Soviet republics — a merger that would expand his options for exercising power after he steps down from the Russian presidency next year.

Putin heads to the Belarusian capital, Minsk, on Thursday for discussions of a framework for the long-debated union, fleshing out an existing agreement that has meant little in practice.

A merger of Russia and Belarus could allow Putin to leave the Russian presidency as promised in May yet still remain a chief of state.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Putin tries to speed up a union with Belarus ... to become the president of the unified state," said Gennady Zyuganov, Russia's Communist Party chief.

Personal suspicion: Putin will find a way to incorporate Belarus directly rather than make a state atop Russia. We shall see. We shall see if anything comes of this. We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:04 AM

    If this happens -- and I think it's a stretch; Lukashenka would have to be either bought off or knocked out, and he probably likes being boss too much to be bought -- but if, then watch for Poland and the Baltic States to go eeeeeeeeee and screeeeee and yah! ah! Seriously, they'll totally freak -- this would push all their Russophobia buttons, repeatedly and hard.

    But, again, I doubt it's going to happen.

    Doug M.
