Monday, December 03, 2007

Whither Russia: The Links

I referenced the 'elections' that took place on Sunday (Dec 02 2007) for the legislature in Russia when I talked about Lyuda's shocks over two documentaries we watched this weekend.. It was supposed to be a 'landslide victory' for Putin's United Russia Party. It was not considered terribly clean as far as elections go. That's an understatement actually. The question becomes, what is going to be Russia's future?

There are some thoughts people are bandying about. Edward Hugh et al have some good posts here and here about the probably problems that the Russians are going to have with their economy in the nearish future. Edward likes to link economics to demographics and a quick and dirty source for that is the CIA World Fact Book's entry on Russia, especially the part about demographics (are the Russians going extinct? ]:))

Claus Vistesen over at Alpha Sources wonders about Russian Demographics too.

Once upon a time, I wrote my own War for the Eurasian Soul.


UPDATE: Official results of the election.

Also A Fistful of Euros' post about the failure of democracy in Russia.

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