Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Attack of the Spam Blogs

I noticed something odd a few days ago. Technorati, a site for keeping track of who links to you, started coughing up some blogs that I didn't recognize (I'm not going to link to them from here: I don't want to raise their authority at all). After I went and checked them out, all they seem to be is a spider that goes out and links to blog entries with key phrases. I had thought that the spiders seem to be pretty dumb at first blush - after all what does skin care have to do with gorgonopsids?! Or pet security?!

Two thoughts came to me then. Either this is a way to merely draw people to their oddball site with its advertising in some vain and stupid belief that I am interested in clicking on ads from a spam site. Or, if it had been only one, site doing it that someone was testing their new automated aggregator software. However, its not one blog, but at least four.

Here I was getting all excited about my Authority rising on technorati and...its largely fake. *sighs*

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