Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blog Roll Update: Adding a Nimvarid

I have added Nimvarid to my sidebar blogroll. I stumbled upon the site because of a post about the author's annoyance to the term 'mammal-like reptile.' The author then kindly linked back to my gorgonopsid post. I have been reading the blog since via Google's Reader and what clinched the addition was the post on mammal evolution.

Bryan, add those posts to the next Boneyard, will ya?

I strongly recommend that others check out the worthy blog as well.


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Thanks for the link! I've only really been seriously blogging for the past month, so I'm quite honored (tickled pink!) to be nominated for a carnival. I'm working on two entries right now and have others in mind for the next couple weeks, hopefully you all will find those interesting.

    I'm not sure if you saw, but I responded to your comment on my site. I think it got misplaced, since it was posted on the wing-assisted incline running article. Just wanted to make sure you didn't think I was giving you the cold shoulder if you hadn't seen it!

  2. I didn't see the comment. It's weird that it ended up elsewhere like that. I ahd thought that the great Post Eater in the Sky got it. ;)

    If you've only just joined the blogoshere you're doing quite well.
