Thursday, February 07, 2008

GOP Rumor: Romney Bails

Now its Huckabee vs McCain. That settles that. Huckles - even if all of Romney's delegates transfer to him which I doubt - still puts him waaaaay the heck behind McCain. It's too bad: I definitely preferred Romney over Huckles. Huckles gives me the heebee geebees.

Update: Yep, he's out. CNN's Political Ticker has a quote from a Romney partisan that I need to bring to everyone's attention:

“I vote the party, not the person.”

This is so fundamentally wrong I cannot even start on where to slag this opinion.

Huckles vs McCain. Who! Will! Win! (it's a bit snarky & rhetorical)


  1. I thought you might have something to say about that! I'm glad the numbers are still such that even if all Romney's fans went for Huckabee, he can't get the Republican nomination!

  2. It's possible that Huckles could get the nomination. It's exceedingly unlikely. McCain right now has 714 delegates. Romney has around 286. Huckles has 181. T3h 3V1L has 16.

    If all of Romney's bailed for Huckles, then Huckles would still be at 467. He'd need to capture 724 of the remaining 1183 delegates. That's hard.

    If I were a betting man, I'd say that 30% of Romney's delegates will go to McCain. The rest to Huckles. That makes it even more difficult for Huckles. T3h 3V1L will probably double his total candidates acting as a minor spoiler too.

    My bet, McCain has this one. As to whether or not I vote for him in November depends on who he picks as a VP. It's a real concern because of his age. If he chooses a member of the Fundie Bunch...oy.

    PS My only worry about Huckles is that the media is predicting McCain's got this one too. However, the media has been soooooo wrong this time around that I worry they have some sort of curse they put on anyone they predict for. ;)

  3. I wasn't real sure of his reasoning for "suspending" his run. He said that the longer he was in the race, the more a chance he was giving Obama and Hillary? Does that mean that the Republican votes would be split between three candidates, thus lowering the total for each individual?

    I suppose that's true. Now all of his votes will go to either Huckabee or McCain.

    Now it's seriously looking like it's gonna be Obama, Hillary, and McCain in the final stretch, and it's only February!

  4. As to whether or not I vote for him in November depends on who he picks as a VP. It's a real concern because of his age.

    You'd like to think he can last until he's 75/79, but I suppose anything could happen and he certainly wouldn't be the first president to just keel over and die in office.

    Now, Obama and Clinton have been so catty to each other that I don't see them joining forces. However, might McCain ask Romney to run with him? Is Romney dropping out at this stage to make himself a better VP candidate? I got the feeling Edwards may have the VP ticket in sight like he did last time, when he dropped out.

  5. You'd like to think he can last until he's 75/79, but I suppose anything could happen and he certainly wouldn't be the first president to just keel over and die in office.

    They say that there are Presidential Years much like dog years: a person ages 3 years for every year in the White House. If that is true, then to survive his first term would "age" him to the equivalent of 84-ish. A second term, 96. It's definitely something to ponder about who would step up should life get to be too much.
