Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Beautiful Little Girl is 3 Today!

On February 28th, 2005 at 8:04 AM my beautiful baby girl joined us in taking her first breath and screaming to let all the world know she had arrived.

Today is her third birthday. I have never been so proud of someone in all my life. I have never been so delighted with anyone in all my life. I have never loved someone like this in all of my life. She is cute, adorable, perceptive and brilliant.

She's been noted since before she was one years old that she has her "own mind:" even now she likes to watch the Presidential Debates and ask questions and make comments. She likes both McCain and Obama. She prefers Obama over McCain though contrary to her folks. She does say that McCain's a "Good dadja" (man) like Obama. However she does not like Clinton or Huckles.

We're having two parties for her. A small get together tonight with some friends and another with her daycare. We'd like to do one big party, but we're in a bit of a jam since our apartment is a little too small.

I'll make sure to put up some pix tonight.


  1. I share your joy, Having a Russian wife and a five year old daughter myself. My girl is now playing the violin and taking kumon. My advice-enjoy every moment while she is little.

  2. Anonymous11:52 AM

    She is absolutely adorable!!! How exciting and born two months to the day after mine :)
