Thursday, February 21, 2008

Obama's Letter to Puerto Rico

"Puerto Rico's status must be based on the principle of self-determination," he wrote. "As President I will work closely with the Puerto Rican government, its civil society and with Congress to create a genuinely transparent process for self-determination that will be true to the best traditions of democracy. As President I will actively engage Congress and the Puerto Rican people in promoting this deliberative, open and unbiased process, that may include a constitutional convention, or a plebiscite, and my Administration will adhere to a policy of strict neutrality on Puerto Rican status matters. My Administration will recognize all valid options to resolve the question of Puerto Rico's status, including commonwealth, statehood, and independence."
That settles Obama's position wrt Puerto Rico.

I don't support commonwealth status. I believe that the only constitutionally viable, morally acceptable is is either we need to incorporate them as a state or set them free as a separate nation. Because Congress has granted Puerto Ricans American citizenship, this ahs its own problems as well though.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to google McCain's PR policy but all I came up with was primary stuff. Any idea on what his is?
