Tuesday, February 05, 2008



  1. WHAT? We voted for OBAMA? A BLUE COLOR? *faints* Snowmen in hell, man!

  2. In the Democratic Caucus, yes, over Clinton. Romney won the Republican one.

    You did go out and vote yesterday, yes?

  3. No, but I blame the way Super Tuesday was handled. I'm one of those annoying "Undecided" party voters, just because I don't want to recieve a bunch of crap in the mail, so I don't think I was allowed to vote.
    Democrats (from the entire city of Anchorage, mind you), were to all convene at ONE MIDDLE SCHOOL to vote, while Republicans had to gather at...wait for it...a CHINESE RESTAURANT.

    But were I allowed to vote in the primaries, I would have gone with Obama, so my guy won! *yay!*
