Thursday, February 14, 2008

Well, Finally!

Clinton Wins NM Caucuses. Sheesh that took a while.


  1. OH, politics. See, before the picture loaded, all I saw was "Well, Finally!" And I thought you meant "well, I'm finally posting SOMETHING about Permian fauana."

    But I was mistaken. ;-)

  2. hrmph.

    I just got used by our Anthropocene allosaur[1] last night and the T rex the night before. Cut me a little slack! Two crashing temper trantrums at 11:20 PM and 2 AM kinda take the writing ability out.


    The T rex went down at 1:30 AM the night before.


  3. Hahahaha! We should have a race, sir. A post on different crests among pterosaurs has been broiling in my cranium for about two weeks, but I haven't had the time to sit down and write anything (or...*cough*...draw anything). I've got way too many art projects going right now including the upcoming art show (must...finish...Nyctosaurus, my Cthulhu stuff, and that new bat. Yes, I'm forcing myself to restore the damn bat.

    So yeah. I know how you feel.

  4. "We should have a race, sir."

    For which one? The whole Late Permian Ecology one or the Gorgons?

  5. Gorgos. Hey, speaking of gorgos, did any survive into the Triassic?
