Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Clinton's Position on Puerto Rico

"Hillary goes after the Boricua vote," said the island's main daily, El Nuevo Dia, in a front-page headline that referred to Puerto Ricans by their nickname. Other dailies also splashed Clinton's remarks on Puerto Rico across their front pages.


The New York senator said she would vigorously advance plans that would let Puerto Rico decide if it wants to remain a commonwealth or become a U.S. state or an independent nation.

Clinton also pledged to provide new tax benefits to create jobs in Puerto Rico, which is struggling through a second year of recession, and to return some federal land on the outlying island of Vieques — formerly a U.S. Navy bombing range — to local residents.

Her adviser may be a statehood supporter, but Hillary remains whatever you want her to be so long as you vote for her. Say anything, eh? hmmm...

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