Monday, March 17, 2008

IDK WTF to do

My wife's mouth hurts. We had some extensive work done some time ago when she came under my insurance. Since then, she's had issues with her mouth hurting. We keep going back to the dentist I've had for some time and they tinker a bit here and there, but generally throw up their hands saying either they don't know what's wrong or there's nothing wrong or its in her head.

I can see she's in pain. I can see she's hurting. Her dental hygiene is impeccable according to the dentist. In fact so clean that there's no point in the dentist cleaning or polishing her teeth. Yet Lyuda's still in pain.

We just got back from another appointment and it was pointless. Nada was figured out. It was a complete waste of an hour and a half. I needed to get stuff done for work - we thought they were going to open up the crown to take a look, always fun - and Lyuda needed to meet with a prof. I was unhappy, but Lyuda was even more than that to the nth degree.

It looks like we're going to change dentists. It's too bad. They've done some good work for me, but...geez this is ridiculous.

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