Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pterosaurs had Teen Sex too!

Pterosaurs, like their dinosaur relatives, didn't wait until they were fully grown to have sex, a new study suggests.

Researchers examined microscopic tree ring-like growth markings in hundreds of bones from a species of the extinct flying reptiles discovered in central Argentina in the 1990s.

The Pterodaustro guiñazui bones came from multiple individuals, including an embryo inside an egg and adults with wingspans between 1 to 8 feet (0.3 to 2.5 meters).

P. guiñazui lived during the mid-Cretaceous, about a hundred million years ago.


he team found that the pterosaur attained about 53 percent of its adult body size in just two years.

At that point, the flying reptile was likely sexually mature. Its growth continued slowly for three or four more years.

"Then they stopped growing and maybe they didn't live much longer," said paleontologist and study co-author Luis Chiappe, director of the Dinosaur Institute at the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles, California.

The finding shows that the flying reptiles, like dinosaurs, did not grow throughout their entire lives—as do modern turtles and crocodiles, Chiappe said.

Chiappe, Chinsamy-Turan, and Laura Cordornú from the National University of San Luis in Argentina described the growth patterns of the pterosaur last month in the journal Biology Letters.

no wonder they didn't survive the KT. Degenerates!


  1. Resource secured? ARGH! This finding does not surprise me, and is perhaps the primitive condition among diapsids. I think lizards and crocs follow the same curve, attaining sexual maturity before physical maturity.

  2. is it the exact same curve though? I mean for all diapsids? Or is there considerable range there?

    BTW, how's the dicynodont coming? *hint*hint*

  3. Well, I have no idea what the exact curve is, but I know that my geckos can mate at 8 months but they don't reach adult size for about two years.

    The walrodont is on hold (sorry) until I get the damn Nyctosaurus finalized. August is racing toward us!
