Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Story of Borscht

The above article is an interesting one. The recipes that are discussed are interesting as are the people divulging them. My wife's family has their own absolutely delicious recipe. It's radically different than any above. I'll post it some time, but not tonight. Too much to do. Suffice to say, you start with no sweet beets. ick. Sweet borscht is not to my taste at all. However, like the above recipes, it takes a loooong time to make.


  1. I went to school with a girl named Lyuda. I thought maybe somehow she was the same person as your wife. I now realize that there are many Lyudas and feel rather foolish. Anyway...

    I put up a paleo post for the boneyard. It's about dinosaur teen sex...I think you did a post on it, too.

    Thanks for the prodding :)

  2. lol. Wow. Considering I've not been in that part of the country yet, Amanda, that' might be a challenge to meet that Lyuda.

    This is my wife. (from taunting someone I don't talk much to anymore)

    Yes, I got really lucky. ;)

  3. Yes, you definitely got lucky! She's beautiful! The Lyuda I know was blonde.

  4. She's a beauty and has brains: she's working on a double major in business admin and molecular biology. She already has one in accounting.

    I am really lucky she likes men that are interesting instead of pretty. Because Pretty I Am Not. lol.
