Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Forgive Me for I am About to Sin

Is Jeremiah Wright Karl Rove's deep sleeper agent?


  1. You'd sure think so.

  2. no kidding.

    How are you doing, Alden?

  3. Anonymous5:01 PM

    The dynamic between these two is hilarious. After making his great racial relations speech a couple weeks ago where he defends Wright, the post-Pennsylvania loss Obama suddenly realizes what's happening and disavows Wright. Could it be because Wright has cynically mentioned that Obama the pol says what he has to say to get elected? Such duplicity does not reflect well on the candidate of Hope and Change, icon of the new politics.

    You can believe that after 20 years of sermons, contributions of tens of thousands of dollars, weddings and baptisms Obama 'suddenly' discovered that Wright was a kook, believing in AIDS as a fed conspiracy to kill black folk, etc., or that Obama is clueless in his evaluation of advisors or that Obama is a cynical pol jetsoning supporters no longer useful to his career.
