Thursday, April 03, 2008

More Linky Goodness

I found two blogs lately that are interesting to read and should deserve a moment of your attention.

The first one is often linked to by others already. That would be Lord Geekington. Cameron has a lot of interesting stuff there. I found him because he was writing about sabre teeth in mammals and mentioned that other synapsid line with the uber fangs. Google Alerts can be my friend!

Secondly, JP has a nifty blog of her own, Pacific Slope Blog. Find bugs, germs, and academic adventures in the desert, check her written words out. Love the cholla pic, JP! Evil little SOB of a plant though it is. I always thought that it'd make a great natural barbwire fence if grown densely enough.

Check them out and enjoy!


  1. Thanks for the nice compliments. And for hosting a great blog yourself. Kinda scary to think people actually read what I write!

    Those chollas... They keep us all humble.

  2. You're welcome, JP.

    Yes, people actually read what we write. Scary, huh?
