Tuesday, April 08, 2008

What-if 100m Sea Rise?

Must. Make. Seaway. From Uber Aral. To. Arctic.


  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    So, this is a population density map, light blue indicating densest regions?

    Surface elevation and population density matches pretty well, don't they? Provided that you don't count central Siberia, Caspian Sea region and Amazonia.

    Well, at least Aral Sea would be a proper sea.

    I don't see how central Australia could be underwater if it is not connected to the sea. It would also be interesting to see how Antarctica and Greenland would look without the ice.

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM

    You might like this link



    This imagining DOES show what
    Greenland and Antarctica would look like without ice.

  3. Anonymous3:54 PM

    This imagining DOES show what
    Greenland and Antarctica would look like without ice.

    No, it doesn't. The Greenlandic icecap is there, and Antarctica is not visible at all.

  4. Anonymous4:58 PM

    "No, it doesn't. The Greenlandic icecap is there, and Antarctica is not visible at all."

    Did you even paste the DUBIA link?

    The creator of the page was
    quite specific at revealing
    both landmasses without
