Tuesday, May 13, 2008

13th Annual CCSM Workshop: Paleoclimate Presentations

I am not going to go for the reasons mentioned and also the run-in a few years ago, but for those that are interested, here's an agenda of the presentations that have been planned so far for the paleoclimate section:

Simulating the Latest Ordovician with CCSM3
Christine Shields NCAR

Cloud Properties and Warm Poles: Simulations of the
P/T and PETM Boundaries
Jeff Kiehl NCAR

Mesoscale modeling of the Eocene ice-free Arctic
Daniel Kirk-Davidoff U. Maryland

A GCM Reconstruction of the Last Glacial Inception
Megan Essig U. Nebraska-Lincoln

Climate Model Tests of the Early Anthropogenic Hypothesis
Steve Vavrus U. Wisconsin

Simulating Transient Climate Evolution of the last 21,000 years with CCSM3
(TraCE-21,000): A Progress Report
Feng He U. Wisconsin

Climatic Impacts of the Largest Volcanic Eruption of the Last Millennium
David Schneider NCAR

Atlantic SST influences on mega-droughts in North American: A Case Study
on the Medieval Warm Period
Song Feng U. Nebraska-Lincoln

The Role of ENSO in Regulating the Mean Climate of the Tropical Pacific
De-Zheng Sun NOAA

That was the text of an email sent out to the ccsm-paleoclimate mailing list by Dr Jeffrey Kiehl. He was soliciting a few more presentations. I would like to live-blog this, but I am hesitant. For multiple reasons.

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