Friday, May 16, 2008

Russia: Georgian SpecFor Helped Separatists

Russia's domestic spy service on Friday accused Georgia of supporting armed rebels in southern Russia, an accusation that could further damage the strained relations between the two countries.

A source in the Federal Security Service (FSB) told Interfax news agency that a Chechen man working for Georgian intelligence had been giving cash to fighters across the turbulent North Caucasus.

"This confirms that Georgian special forces have participated in subversive terrorist activities in the North Caucasus," Interfax quoted the FSB source as saying.

Russia and Georgia are locked in a row over Georgia's two breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which Russia supports. Georgia says war was only narrowly averted earlier this month.

The FSB's claim surfaced just as a Georgian minister was to meet officials from Russia's Foreign Ministry in Moscow to discuss how to repair relations.

A Georgian government spokesman in Tbilisi denied the FSB's accusation, saying: "It's another lie and another provocation from the Russian side."

Yet another accusation, one that if it were true would be cause for war. Seems like Russia is searching for a good reason to pick a fight with the little guy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    [A Georgian government spokesman in Tbilisi denied the FSB's accusation, saying: "It's another lie and another provocation from the Russian side."]

    Haha, that's a typical reaction from the Georgian government. The Georgian government is crazy, a few months ago they planted a bomb near the South-Ossetian border and detonated it. Then they cried over the phone to the EU that Russia had dropped a bomb on their territory. Even the Georgian citizens are tired of their governments childish behavior.
