They may have been vegetarians, but the ancient wombats that roamed Australia were a frightening lot.
Up to 9 feet (3 meters) long and 70 inches (180 centimeters) tall, some of the marsupials weighed as much as a pickup truck and stood as tall as a person. Others were much smaller, about the weight of a compact car.
This size variation has led paleontologists to debate just how many ancient wombat species existed, with estimates ranging from 2 to 20.
But a new study, published in the current issue of the journal Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, suggests that—despite their vastly different sizes—ancient wombats all belonged to the same species, and that gender differences accounted for the huge size gaps.
Today's wombats, found throughout much of southern Australia, are more modest in appearance—short-legged, plant-eaters about 3.2 feet (1 meter) long. They hardly resemble their giant Ice Age ancestors, the largest marsupials to roam Earth from about two million to 10,000 years ago.
Fossil Teeth
Researchers analyzed fossil teeth of giant wombat specimens.
"I suspected that just looking at teeth might give a much clearer picture of who was related to who," said study author Gilbert Price, a paleontologist of the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.
"I figured the study would reveal that two, maybe three species once roamed the continent," Price said.
[Related: "Tooth Study Suggests Humans Caused Australian Ice-Age Extinctions" [January 24, 2007].)
In humans and other mammals, males and females often diverge drastically in size—a trait known as sexual dimorphism. Analyzing fossil teeth can thus prove an effective strategy to study ancient species.
Unlike the rest of the body, which is subject to the demands of sexual display, back teeth such as molars tend to only be involved in eating. Since both sexes of a particular species usually eat similar foods, their teeth should look the same.
Price leveraged this fact while comparing more than a thousand ancient wombat teeth held in museums around the world. He discovered that the fossils all showed similar patterns.
This indicated just one giant wombat species existed and that paleontologists were mistaking the differently sized male and female giant wombats for separate species.
The discovery helps explain why the bones of different-size wombats—male and female—are often found together.
Giant wombats? Now I'm scared. Why was everything so much freaking bigger a few thousand years ago?
I found the whole story fascinating, both the story about the paleontology's research and the story about the Wombats and the size differences, can't remember such a huge difference between males and females on other species
I wonder if the claim they are not distinct species will be challenged because of that, Dorothy. After all, if they are so radically different in size, shouldn't we see that elsewhere in mammals? Or so sayeth the devil's advocate.
I'd love to exchange more ideas as I'm writing a blog on Dino and love the research couldn't find any contact info to ask you- I was also thinking about exchanging blogroll links
That sound good, dorothy. I'll link you up.
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