Monday, August 18, 2008

Gettin on a Jet Plane!

In 3 hours, I leave to board a plane to El Paso, Texas. From there I will be driving up to drop in briefly with some friends in Las Cruces before going on to Alamogordo. I am going to be briefing the X Prize Foundation, FAA, and Holloman AFB personnel on the progress of our rocket and a number of flight safety issues. I'll be participating in two whole days of presentations and media circus. I very well may end up on TV. I will definitely be on the radio.

Let's see if I have any charisma left in me...


PS: don't forget paypal drive still going. Just had a great day today so far, I'd love it if it was better still!

PPS pass the link around too!


1 comment:

  1. We just passed through Las Cruces and Alamogordo a couple weeks ago ourselves. Hadn't been in that area for a very long time before that.
