Friday, August 01, 2008

The March of the Morons Leads the House

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the Democrats adjourned the House and turned off the lights and killed the microphones, but Republicans are still on the floor talking gas prices.

Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other GOP leaders opposed the motion to adjourn the House, arguing that Pelosi's refusal to schedule a vote allowing offshore drilling is hurting the American economy. They have refused to leave the floor after the adjournment motion passed at 11:23 a.m. and are busy bashing Pelosi and her fellow Democrats for leaving town for the August recess.

At one point, the lights went off in the House and the microphones were turned off in the chamber, meaning Republicans were talking in the dark. But as Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz..) was speaking, the lights went back on, and the microphones were turned on shortly afterward.

But C-SPAN, which has no control over the cameras in the chamber, has stopped broadcasting the House floor, meaning no one is witnessing this except the assembled Republicans, their aides, and one Democrat, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), who has now left.

Only about a half-dozen Republicans were on the floor when this began, but the crowd has grown to about 20 now, according to Patrick O'Connor.

"This is the people's House," Rep, Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.) said. "This is not Pelosi's politiburo."


I mean, holy, molie. Grandstanding Old Putzes. The one Democrat that was there was the Keebler Evil Elf. However, while I truly loathe Pelosi, IDK if there is a good solution for this. Grandstanding like this isn't easily dealt with without causing bad publicity no matter what. I fact, I'd say the Repugs are taking a page from the Berkeleyans!

So, why is Congress leaving for their vacation? Have they finished the budget in time for the start of the Fiscal Year in October?


  1. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Why do you loathe Nancy Pelosi?

  2. So, members should stay in D.C. and never return to their districts to pound the flesh and listen to their constituents? Bush spent more time on vacation during the first two years of his presidency as Clinton spent in all eight years of his. And 9/11 was during those first two years.

    The excuse repubs give is Bush had working vacations. Kindof the way I started about recess being a chance to listen and work with constituents to find solutions.
