Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Why isn't Obama just smacking McCain around like a little...ahem?

I mean, the economy is going bonkers. We have a war that we are still in that he has promised to draw to a close. We have another war that we are slipping up in and...we have the single most unpopular President in decades, if not ever, in office. Not to mention he's far more articulate than McCain is on the stump.

Why does it seem that the whole election is really a toss up?

With the pronunciations of a landslide prior, I'm wondering: what the heck is up?


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    If you can explain it to me, Will, I'd like to hear it.

    I'll be honest --- Obama /is/ smacking McCain around. Hard. On everything.

    But nobody notices. Not even you. That, sir, is incredibly depressing.

    You have seen the enemy, and you're it. No?

  2. I think you misunderstand.

    I have no idea why what is happening is happening.

    I am up to my eyeballs in FAA regulatory gunk (I am setting precedents (!!!) and I am therefore being extra cautious), actually trying to get the rocket built, wrestling with HPC day job related work, trying to navigate getting a house under the current credit crunch climate, and trying to negotiate immigration issues so that we can extract my in-laws ASAP before Putin pulls another Georgian style stunt (they're passing out Russian passports in Crimea now...sound familiar?)

    I stick my toes in the political waters, but I haven't been able to do a mental swim. I lack time. I am trying to grasp how McCain isn't getting his clock cleaned in the polls. He seems to have swinging at air otherwise. Which makes me think we're actually in agreement.

    The reason I have heard that McCain is actually doing half as well is Palin. Palin?! Who the frak is she? Someone that takes all of my concerns about lack of experience with Obama and amps it up to the nth+1 degree! She's a YEC and an antiabortionist. She even has an ongoing anticorruption investigation about some of her actions. Her proposed role in energy policy with her very (!) intimate (!!) links to the oil companies is disturbing. She is not ready to be President. Her selection, while inspired for its media counteract value, was frankly stupid otherwise and makes me question McCain's judgment.

    Biden, OTOH, is a reassuring choice. I actually preferred him over Obama in the Democratic race. However, it speaks well of Obama's judgment in the selection process. Though, I have to admit, I would have thought that picking a woman other than Clinton might have served the ticket better.

    I was serious when I said that the Veep choice impacting what I decided for my vote in Nov.

    Now if you think that I am the enemy because I asked the question I did in the way I did, well, that's partly just me. I react badly to people that are cocky. I've live up to my eye balls in people that are not up for discussing but rather get that attitude about this election.

    My apologies if the sneer peers through.

    Now, why is nobody noticing then, Noel, that Obama is cleaning McCain clock?

  3. Anonymous12:11 PM

    No, I misunderstood you. I thought you were saying that Obama wasn't punching back. My apologies.

    And I have no clue why Obama's attacks aren't making more traction. (Well, I can make guesses, but the flattering ones don't seem to be consistent with the evidence.)

    We'll just have to wait and see.
