Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Post 2401: Parenting Question

I have an oddball question for the parents out there that read the blog. How many of you have ambidextrous kids? Avrora appears to be exactly that. I have concerns about screwing it up. Why? Because I was ambi when I was her age and up through kindergarten...and then the teachers made a concerted effort to get me to use only my right hand. Now, after years of using it that way, I'm pretty much right handed, but can still use the left better than average. Slightly.

So, advice? Anyone?


  1. I'm hardly an expert but my suggestion would be to introduce activities that automatically use both sides of the body (playing a musical instrument is good.... things like swimming, juggling, or martial arts are even better because both sides of the body end up performing the exact same movement.... most of us end up learning a new movement in one of these kinds of disciplines on our dominant side and then having to 'relearn' it on our weak side... someone who is able to maintain true ambidexterity would learn such skills on both sides simultaneously... or more accurately if truly ambidextrous would probably be able to perform well on the 'weak' side after study on the 'strong' side without the 'switch' time that the rest of us have to wade through.


  2. We have two lefties, but no ambidextrous. For the lefties, they need special scissors. Has to do with the overlap of blades. Just to say that subtleties all around can make a difference.

  3. As a leftie, I'll have to second what Tom said. And make sure that the scissors are of decent quality too. I gave up on the whole cutting with my left hand thing in kindergarten because the scissors sucked big time. Rumor has it that it's highly entertaining to watch me work a pair of scissors with my right hand...

    I'll also pass along the recommendation that you make it clear to family, friends and teachers that you DON'T want them to force her to choose, and try not to have these conversations in front of her so that she doesn't get the mistaken impression that there's something "wrong" with her that needs "fixing". I'd like to think that it's not as bad as when I was small, but you never know.

    One last thing. No clue if ambi's have the same issue with drawing letters as [some] lefties, but as a leftie who had the issue, I figure it's worth passing along... She may have issues with her letters being backwards for awhile. My eye doctor at the time told my parents it had to do with the way that I was processing the images because I was left handed, and to leave it alone and it would correct itself. Many years later, I still have vague memories of this, and mostly as it applied to the letter E. No idea why it's only one letter or why E in particular.

  4. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I agree with Al42, have her get engaged with a musical instrument. Piano is wonderful for developing both sides of the brain. Also, you may look into a fine motor skill activity. Knitting, sewing, croche, using a screw driver, etc. are fantastic activities. Start simple though and try not to constantly correct them.

    BTW, I love your blog. Keep it up.

  5. Leftie scissors and implements are a good idea, thanx, Suzanne/Tom.

    Al42/Angela: I'll look into music. I hadn't planned on starting her on music just yet. We have started her in gymnastics and are planning on ballet relatively soon. We have been mostly focusing on making sure she retains her Russian/English bilingualism (disappears waaaay too easily!), but obviously need to broaden what she does. Our schedule isn't the best for this, but...hopefully in the next month life will simplify.
