Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008


  1. Nice pictures, Will.

  2. Agreed, though you bear an uncanny resemblence to Garrison Keillor there.

    Merry Christmas, brother. Looks like you enjoyed it!

  3. I have to admit I was thinking the same thing (about Garrison Keillor), but I figured I was just crazy or something.

  4. Happy belated Christmas Will. Your little girl is growing up fast isn't she?

  5. At least it's not Stephen King like I normally get. *sighs*

    She is growing up fast. Too fast. *sighs*

  6. She may be growing up fast, but she's reaching what I refer to as "the really fun stage".

    It's probably just me, but my nieces became much more fun around the age Avrora is now. Questions start to be followed up with questions other than why, and it's fascinating to see how their minds work.

    Oh, and they are vastly more impressionable...just ask our friend Chris about the time my older niece startled him by referring to the red light as "insolent"...
