Monday, January 26, 2009

LBNL HPC Related Post Doc Available

The LBNL Future Technologies Group (FTG) does research in high-performance computing (HPC) technology for petascale systems, including work in compilers, operating systems, runtime systems, performance analysis and modeling, benchmarking and performance engineering of scientific application programs. The overarching goal of the group is to enable computational science through the design and development of hardware and software systems that allow application scientists to more effectively use high-end machines. Members of FTG work closely with application scientists throughout the DOE Office of Science community (e.g., climate modeling, astrophysics, fusion simulation, life sciences and nanoscience), with faculty and students from the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department at U.C. Berkeley, and with staff in the NERSC production computing facility. Group members have access to leading-edge computing platforms as well as hardware prototypes of experimental systems. FTG members have a strong history of publications in top journals and conferences and have developed software systems that are broadly used outside the group. Specific areas of research being done by FTG include:

Performance analysis, modeling and benchmarking. The FTG performance activity works closely with hardware designers from industry and academia, providing workload information about network patterns and memory system usage to quantitatively drive architecture efforts. Specific projects include petascale system and application characterization, performance modeling and tools, and the usage of these facilities for system assessment and selection.

Novel programming models and supporting software. The FTG programming model activity works with the U.C. Berkeley Unified Parallel C (UPC) project team ( on basic research and development of fast communication libraries, compiler optimizations for parallel languages, and future languages and language extensions for petascale systems.

Operating Systems for HPC. The FTG operating system (OS) activity develops production quality tools such as checkpoint-restart software, and performs research into future OS designs that balance key functional features with the need for lightweight control over hardware resources such as multi-core processors.

The candidate will participate in research projects to develop, analyze, and optimize performance of accelerator modeling codes on HPC computer systems and applications. This project will involve some of the following activities: analysis and optimization of serial and parallel application programs; benchmarking these codes on systems from single cores to large scale HPC systems; assisting the development of auto-tuning software components of interest to this project; assisting domain scientists in developing application codes.

Required: PhD degree in computer science, computational science or a related technical field is required. Excellent written and oral communication. Demonstrated ability to work independently, work collaboratively in an interdisciplinary team, and contribute to an active intellectual environment. Experience in: (1) high performance computing; (2) computer system performance analysis; and (3) performance analysis, modeling and benchmarking.
Desired: Experience in: (1) Fortran90; (2) particle-in-cell methods; (3) scientific computing in general.

All positions require the completion of a background check. This is a one-year term appointment with the possibility of renewal. Salary for post-doctoral positions depends on years of experience post-degree.

Link above.

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