Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Plea to My Alaskan Readers

Can't you guys keep her at home? Please? Find some excuse. I'm begging you all! PLEASE!


  1. *twitch.*

    Well, I'll try to get her into the same room with a laser pointer mounted to a motor, but I can't promise I can accomplish any kind of proximity...

  2. We do what we can, but she seems determined to not be our governor. She craves the national spotlight.

  3. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggh.

    You realize that she may run in 2012 for Prez.

  4. I can only afford so many leather straps to keep her tied to the bed, dammit...she keeps gnawin' through them!

  5. Y'know, Raven, if not for the fact I was married, I'd REALLY like know why you have Palin tied to the bed. Really. However...:P
