Thursday, February 26, 2009

CPAC Begins Pondering 2012 Candidates

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist
former House speaker Newt Gingrich
former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani
former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal
Texas Rep. Ron Paul
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin
Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty
former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney
South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford
There’s also space on the ballot for a write-in-candidate.

hrm. A little early for this. McCain is absent, but Ron Paul isn't. Isn't that a kicker: RP is about the same age too.


  1. Anonymous2:27 PM

    That's an incredibly deep bench.

    Looking at the numbers, Obama's popularity would have to decline as fast as W's after September 11 for him to lose in 2012.

    That was with a deliberately divisive, 50% + 1 strategy on the GOP's part, as well as systematic failures in governance.

    I'm pretty sure the better strategists are aware of this. But I'm not sure any are advising the Republican party.


  2. Please...please, not Sarah.
