Thursday, February 05, 2009

Hmmm: Svenson on Permian Extinction

An ancient killer is hiding in the remote forests of Siberia. Walled off from western eyes during the Soviet era and forgotten among the endless expanse of wilderness, scientists are starting to uncover the remnants of a supervolcano that rained Hell on Earth 250 million years ago and killed 90 percent of all life.

Researchers have known about the volcano -- the Siberian Traps, for years. And they've speculated that the volcanic rocks, which cover an area about the size of Alaska, played a role in runaway global warming that led to the end -- Permian mass extinction, the worst dying the planet has ever seen.

Now a team of researchers led by Henrik Svenson of the University of Oslo in Norway have performed a series of experiments, showing the volcano employed an arsenal of deadly weapons during its 200,000-year-long assault on the biosphere.

Prime among them was carbon. Searing magmas from the volcano intruded into the Tunguska Basin in eastern Siberia, a region laden with thick deposits of coal, oil and gas. Heat from the molten rock baked the hydrocarbons, turning the area into the world's largest fossil fuel-burning plant. In all, the volcano may have belched as much as 100,000 gigatons of carbon into the air (all of humanity emits about eight gigatons of carbon annually).

That's more than enough to cause a global climate apocalypse. But the team also wanted to know what happened when lava infiltrated the area's abundant salt deposits. When heated in a laboratory to 275 degrees Centigrade (527 degrees Fahrenheit), the salts released a host of toxic gases, chief among them methyl chloride, an efficient ozone-killer.

"This is the first geologically realistic evidence that ozone collapse during the end-Permian could have actually happened," Svenson said.

Does anyone have either contact info or the paper that this above article is referencing? I tried looking around on the Unviersity of Oslo website, but can't seem to find Dr Svenson...All I can find is the Discovery article and blog links back to it.


  1. Ciao...complimenti per il blog!Ti interessa lo scambio link?
    Grazie fammi sapere...

    L'Acchiappa Mosche

  2. They spelled the name wrong. It's Svensen with an "e". The paper is in the latest issue of EPSL. Here's the DOI:


  3. For what it's worth, they also propose a similar mechanism for the Tr/J extinction based on Sill intruded evaporites in Brazil.
