Monday, February 09, 2009

More Russian State Failure Commentary

Because the economic system adopted under Vladimir Putin is no longer working, the political system the former president and current prime minister put in place is rapidly approaching its end, according to a leading Siberian political analyst. But what will replace it and equally how it will be replaced remain very open questions.

In a lengthy commentary posted on the Irkutsk portal, Dmitry Tayevsky argues that because Moscow is running out of money as a result of the declines in the price of oil and gas, the Russian political system is no longer in a position to sustain itself or act as it has both at home and abroad (

Barring a miracle – and Tayevsky says there won’t be one – Moscow will not be able to meet the commitments it has made to foreigners – including its efforts to purchase friends in the CIS – or to Russians – such as promises to increase pensions – and consequently, Russians won’t be able to continue to live at the level they thought was theirs after the troubled 1990s.

It is worth recalling, Tayevsky says, how “92 years ago, a much less serious situation led to some very serious consequences” and thus to think about what may happen as a result. He thus devotes the remainder of his article to a discussion of six possible “variants” of Russia’s future development.

This really does feel like the Russians have the End Times on Their Mind. Or something. Sheesh. Russian zeitgeist: WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!? I flagged this Russo-meme before.

Or is this just another little brick on the planned road that Putin has in mind. My wife would vote for the latter, but the conspiracy theory is rooted deep, deep, deep in xUSSR culture and she may be overestimating Darth Putin.

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