Wednesday, April 08, 2009

From Email: CCSM-Paleoclimate WG Call for Presentations

Dear Paleoclimate Working Group Members:

It is that time of year again. We encourage you to submit a title for a brief presentation at the June Paleoclimate Working Group meeting that will take place during the 14th Annual CCSM Workshop in Breckenridge, June 15-18. We especially encourage our university colleagues to take this opportunity to present on their recent CCSM paleoclimate research.

Please send both of us an email with the title of your presentation. If you would prefer to present your research as a poster, then this is also open to you.

We look forward to seeing everyone in Breckenridge this June.


Jeff Kiehl ( & Zhengyn Liu (

Contact them, not me.

Like always, I will live-blog this when the time comes assuming Team Phoenicia has not consumed all of my time.

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