Tuesday, June 23, 2009

SC09: Birds of A Feather Proposal Submission Site

Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (BOFs)

Submissions are invited for BOF sessions, which allow conference attendees to discuss topics of mutual interest.

We are seeking:

* Sessions that result in informal group discussion on any topic related to supercomputing
* Sessions targeted to start building new communities related to Supercomputing areas are also very welcome

As an example, here is a list of topics that worked well as BOFs last year:

  • Systems (e.g. Ranger, Roadrunner), Product Lines (e.g. BlueGene, Altix, Cell), and Architectures (e.g. clusters, grids)
  • Software Packages (e.g. MPICH, OSCAR, PBS, Rocks, TotalView)
  • Lists and Competitions (e.g. Top500, Green 500, HPC Challenge)
  • Languages and Programming Models (e.g. OpenMP, MPI, PGAS)
  • Government Initiatives and Groups (e.g. NITRD, grant policy, NSF HECURA) Future of HPC (e.g. pathways to the future, trends)

Please keep in mind that BOFs are not intended for commercial presentations, but for technical ones. Sessions where a particular system, environment, architecture, tool, etc. is presented will also be considered, as long as it is of interest to a broad cross-section of SC09 attendees.

Sessions will be 60 or 90 minutes long. The format within the session is free for the organizer to define.

SC09 will provide meeting room facilities and post daily schedules of the approved BOFs, which are open to all conference attendees, including exhibitors and exhibits-only badge holders.

Submissions open on March 16th, 2009. Visit https://submissions.supercomputing.org/ to make a submission. Submission will close on July 27th.

Questions: bofs@info.supercomputing.org

Industry is gearing up again. Not sure whether or not I will be going. The timing is challenging with the LLC.

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