Monday, July 20, 2009

The Bone Yard

My apologies for the delay in posting this. Life has more than one kind of curve ball and I got knocked by at least two. Excuses aside, here we go. As is my norm for the BY I host, we'll go backwards in time, down the geological column.


In the Recent or Holocene, Julia the Ethical Paleontologist notes what her spousal unit has to put up with by being marrying to paleo type. This is something often neglected: how a nonspecialist in a field marries and deals with the specialist's work and life requirements.

I also posted about the recent work by Dr Liu of the University of Wisconsin simulating the climate of the Bølling-Allerød Warming during the Late Pleistocene.

Mark Manicini at The Theatrical Tanystropheus covers the Nebraska Camel, Titanotylopus, of the early Pliestocene.


Going deeper still to the Miocene, John Hawks reveals more information about Sahelanthropus, aka "Toumai," and its discovery. Did you know there was a femur?

Also in the Miocene, Darren Naish of the ever famous Tetrapod Zoology brings our attention to dromomerycids, a now semi neglected taxa.


Brian Switek of Laelaps writes about Indiohyus, an early ancestor of whales from the Eocene of India.

Brian also writes about elephantiforms, Eritreum and Eritherium, both from the Oligocene of Africa.

Finally, Brian, the ever busy paleo writer body, also writes about the seed eating primate, Ganlea megacania, of Burma from the Eocene.


In the Bill Parker of Chinleana takes a devitiation from his Triassic stomping grounds to give us the news that there is another therinizosaur, Nothronychus mckinleyi, that has been discovered in Utah through his two informative posts.

Why I Hate Theropods brings us news of a truly funky new crocodylomorph., Armadillosuchus, from the late Cretaceous of Brazil. I found a rather screwy reconstruction that made its discoverers' collective head spin (not from a positive reaction, mind you). Brian Switek of Laelaps also wrote a very, very good post on this new archosaur.

I brought attention to the discovery that the Cretaceous polar orinthiscians of Australia appear to have been burrowers too.

Darren also discusses the issues with the publishing of some of the BAND (Birds Are Not Dinosaurs) guerillas.

Adam Yates at Dracovenator gives the lowdown on three new exciting dinosaurs from Australia: two titanosaurs and a megaraptorid. The Cretaceous of Australia is turning out to be a stranger place than we thought! Emile at The World We Don't Live In also covers the story.

Matt Martyniuk at DinGoss also discusses the chewing related evidence for hadrosaurs of the late cretaceous in a pair of posts.

Zach Miller of When Pigs Fly Returns has a very good series of posts describing the ceratopsians. The ones within this Bone Yard Stratum are about juggal 'horns' and frills.


Darren breaks with his tradition to discuss the one that really got away: Leedsichthys problematicus. It was this " " big, I swear!

Adam returns with a trace fossil that looks a lot like a sidewinder track from the Jurassic. But is it a snake that made it?

Dave Hone of Archosaur Musings has a plethora of posts that cover Limusaurus, a basal, herbivorus ceratosaur. He's one of the codiscoverers...which pretty darn kewl. Zach just couldn't resist - and I have to admit I egged him on - writing a satirical post on Limusaurus.


We return to Chinleana for an extensive amount of Triassic news. First up is the exciting news that Silesaurus opolensis shows signs in its bone growth that it may have been a endotherm! Furthermore, he discusses a phytosaur skull that they discovered and are now preparing (and have that takes time).


Micheal over at Life of Madygen has an interesting post on the reptilomorphs known as the Chroniosuchians.

As part of our ongoing XenoPermian Alternate History/Evolution, Zach Miller has put up a post describing that Xenosuchus prognathus, is an archosaur. I'll but putting on my rebuttal post tonight or tomorrow. Xenosuchus is obviously not an archoaur!!! In fact, amniotes are polyphylletic and Xenosuchus proves it!


Chris Taylor of Catalog of Organisms has an excellent post on the plant kingdom prior to the evolution of the tree.


Go read the work by the guys over at Sauropod Vertebra of the Week. They have an insane number of posts covering their favorite faux giraffes. I cannot even come close to sorting which post belongs where here. lol.

Dinogoss also discusses the who has the bigger dinosaur well as who really is bigger.

Oops! I missed the pterosaur edition of Art Evolved! What a terrible mistake! It spans the whole of the Mesozoic, so I'll place it here in the reworked section.

I think that does it for this Bone Yard. If I have missed anyone, please, send the links to anzha lyu at gmail dooot com. Also, check back here to see the link to my XANA post and where the bone yard will be next time.

The next boneyard will be hosted at John Hawks'weblog on August 13th! Please email John or myself with posts!


  1. Well done! Thanks for the unearthing of the boneyard.

    I still haven't had any time to post about stuff, but that's just because I'm up to my eyeballs at the moment.

  2. Thanks -- I've never been described as "reworked" before :-)

  3. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I'm surprised I wasn't told about this! I was really waiting for this! :(

  4. If you have a post, put it up in the next day or so. I'll include it.

  5. Thanks for the shout-out, and for reviving the Bone Yard once again! Just so I'm not caught unaware, who is to be the host for the next installment?

  6. Really awesome, EPIC edition, Will.
