Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Canada Ranks Last on G8 Climate Change List

Canada ranks last among the Group of Eight (G8) industrialised nations for tackling climate change while Germany is top, the green group WWF and the German insurance giant Allianz reported on Wednesday.

Their assessment, issued ahead of the annual G8 summit, blasts Canada for greenhouse-gas emissions that are surging "far above" its obligations under under the UN's Kyoto Protocol.

"(Canada's) per capita emissions are among the highest in the world," they said.

"(Its) mid- to long-term greenhouse targets are inadequate. A plan to curb emissions was developed last year but has not been implemented. The Kyoto target will stay completely out of reach."

The United States, which placed last in the 2008 rankings, moves up a notch, thanks to the pro-climate policies launched by President Barack Obama.

haha. Wasn't James just talking about 'superior' being the other possible name of Canada?

Thhhhhbbbbbpppppt! :P

We will now return to our regular levels of maturity.


  1. There's actually a really easy way for Canada to meet its obligations, really - kick Alberta out of the country. With all its effort in the tar sands, it seems as if that province is disproportionately responsible for the scope of Canadian emissions.

    Whether or not this is a feasible concept is something else again.

  2. We'll take them.

    They look good and crunchy to us. O:)

  3. Dude! Another red state? I mean, Montana is trending blue, but I've been to Alberta. Them Montanans be totally wussed out liberals in comparison.

    You tell him Andrew. (Shudders.)

    Then again, they'd make financial sense. (Considers.) If we succeed in junking the filibuster, we'll take 'em. Otherwise, no thanks.

  4. Nothing stays red forever, Noel. Just ask California. ;)

    OTOH, California's a little tarnished these days. *oooooy*
