Monday, August 03, 2009

A Littlle Humbling

I've been tracking the number of people that come to my blog for a while now, since July 20th, 2006, really. In the past three years, since I kept track, I've had 200,000+ visitors. This past year alone has been over 100k visitors. 80% of those were looking for articles I've written: mostly the paleo "thinker" rather than "linker" articles: the noteable exception was the genetic engineering people ethics post. That one seems to be a reoccuring favorite. During the summer, my visits come to around 250 people. During the academic year, it's around 600. When I post a bit of news and do some more than adequate commentary, I can top 1k.

That I've had 200k+ instances of people wanting to read what I write is...moving. It's interesting. And humbling. There are better than I out there to be read. They thinker deeper and think harder. There are people far more knowledgeable than I am. Some write far better than I do. Others can definitely turn a phrase better than I. They are truly far, far smarter than I am.

However, for those that come here:

Thank you.

(There are also some that deserve to be on the above list that really, really ought to write more original material).

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