Thursday, August 27, 2009

Team Phoenicia Paypal Drive: Talk About Disappointing!

24 hours and we've had a SINGLE donation, folks! That's really disappointing.

As a reminder, those donating get a mention on the blog and their name on one of the tanks proportional to their contribution. Twenty dollars will get you a 1 cm by 2 cm name on the side of the centerline RP-1 tanks we are reserving for this.


  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    shd be a bit more now. doubling!

    if I had the cash I'd offer to match donations. as it is, if I win the lottery you'll have your white knight.

  2. Carlos...

    Was that you and WHAT were you sipping?

  3. Done! Best of luck with it.

  4. Will, the timing on this couldn't be worse for me, since I'm flying to England on the 15th and need every cent I can lay my hands on in order to eat and get around in England.

    However, I want to propose an offer: for the first three people to donate more than $200 (each), I will provide color originals (pen and ink) of art of their chosen subject each.

    They must pay Team Phoenicia this money directly before the 14th, and I will deliver on these as commissions no later than the end of November.

    Samples of my work are accessible here;

    Let me know if you think this might help.

  5. Scott,

    No worries. I'll take up the offer and make a blog post of it on the team site.

  6. I ran across a site that might be useful for fund-raising endeavors:

    Maybe something to consider for fundraisers in the future. I have no experience with it, though.
