Wednesday, October 07, 2009


We're a little out of sorts. I've been on paternity leave and we moved. I've been scrambling to get back in the groove for the rocket and more. We had a nightmare for getting back online with the move: AT&T treated us like we were some sort of cat toy. To make matters worse, our camera had fallen out the back of the fscking car!!! We just got a replacement. Pix to come.

Orest is doing really, really well. At his first appointment 3 days after he was born, he only lost 4 oz: normally that's 10 for a new born we were told. His appointment last thursday showed he'd grown 1/2 inch and gained two lbs. His nickname at home right now is Bear. He growls a lot. It's pretty funny. He has AWESOME control of his head and follows voices and watches people. He even has differentiated the cries into the hungry, wet diaper, and wanna be held. He's even gone a step further and calls each of us differently, without crying. If he wants me, he calls one way. if he wants mom, he calls another. If he wants Avrora (!!!), he calls another. It's not a scream or crying...just a vocalization.

His mom is doing well too. She's recovering and handling being a double mom. She's still very sore. If I'd done what she did, I'd be more than merely sore. o.O She's sleep deprived, but, hey, we all are.

Avrora is handling this pretty well. She gets a little jealous now and again, but...not too bad. We have to make sure that we are doing things for her too. Only a couple temper tantrums and some acting out. She's been a trooper in general though.

Rocket frame and tanks get delivered to TechShop on Friday from the welder. We already had the pressure tests done. No sweat. Final assembly and...;)

Blogging will resume more normally next week when I return to work.

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