Friday, November 06, 2009

Hrm. Kickstarter invite? Anyone?

After Tom's suggestion, I thought trying kickstarter might be a good idea to give it a try. However, given its requirement to have an invite to start a project....would there happen to be someone with an available invite?

w baird at team phoenicia dot org.



  1. Howdy Will,

    My names Rick, I just recently found out about Kickstarter myself and I'm looking for an invite too.

    I have a pretty good thought about how to get an invite which I propose on my blog but to sum it up, get as many people as you can excited about getting an invite.

    Someone will eventually find one, and since you get more invites when you set up a project, I only ask that someone give me one of the ones they get when they sign up.

    I'm going to make a list of all the people I talk to who are looking for one. When I do eventually get one I'll start handing out my invites and seeing if i can get the people I give mine to to continue to spread a few of their invites around to the people I have found.

    You are one the list, please keep me in mind.

  2. I am also looking for an invite, and would greatly appreciate it if you could add me to your list Zinc.

    Eric Mullarky
    New Baby Productions

  3. I have some now, but I am groveling from support in exchange.

  4. Hello. I'm looking for an invite as well. I'm a performance artist, collecting stories from students and faculty at all 23 CSU campuses. I'm creating a theatre piece looking at the ways we are resilient in the face of severe adversity. Any luck yet? Would be happy to return the favor.

    Vincent Chandler

  5. Oh PLEASE find me an invite!!! You are wonderful to try to share this gift of kickstarting with everyone!

    If your offer is still going....


    Lisa Cox
