Tuesday, November 17, 2009

New Top 500 Supercomputers List Released

From the top 25, 15 are American systems, 2 German, 2 Chinese, 1 Russian, 1 South Korean, 1 Saudi Arabian, 1 Canadian, 1 Brit, and 1 Swiss. *NO*JAPANESE*.

This used to be a tit for tat between the Americans and Japanese, but it seems the rest of the world is joining in now. A list by country for HPC assets, percent of total, is located here.

Once upon a time, this was almost an entirely American list, by the way. Now we have only 55% of it.

PS: Boo hiss! NERSC is at #15!

PPS To even get on the list, you need to have 20 teraflops sustained. That's huge. Soon we will surpass the point where the Earth Simulator doesn't belong on the list at all.

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