Friday, February 12, 2010

Airborne Laser Shoots Down Ballistic Missile

When I worked at HELSTF, I chopped up videos for THEL tests. It's amusing that they have outright said what ought to have been implied all along. The exact timing for a kill is actually very classified. The Airborne Laser, despite being a megawatt class laser like MIRACL (different tech though), is a technological deadend. Chemical lasers are too damned scary to actually have on the battlefield. They are also too damned expensive to operate in the manner that they will be needed.

That said, solid state lasers of a similiar power will be really, really useful and have a vast impact on warfare when they come into play. See it? It dies. Especially since SSLs are normally pulsed weapons rather than continueous wave. Shock effects are damn impressive to see from a beam of light. When lasers get ubiquitous, warfare will change. A lot.

Here are a plethora of links on the subject:

From Ares with still photos, from The Dewline and Flight Global.

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