Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Chinese (and AvLeak) Views of the Russian PAK-FA

Bill Sweetman of AvLeak says:
First of all, for anyone contemplating the use of the word "Raptorski": don't. While this is an airplane that could have been the answer to the Advanced Tactical Fighter requirement, way back when, it's not an F-22 in many important ways.

Xiong in China Military Review states:
[...] the Russian T-50 could hardly compete with the U.S. F-22 "Raptor" [...] T-50's shape and F-22 is indeed a resemblance, but the current evaluation of an advanced fighter aircraft whether or not mainly depends on how its information technology equipment. [...] the Russian fighter in the information and data chain is not like the United States. He said, F-22 main features is the powerful information technology.

(note, translations can be rough...)

Gist of it is that no one in the defense circles is terribly impressed with the T-50/PAK-FA. It's not what was advertised. *bites tongue*

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