Monday, February 01, 2010

It's Official: Return to the Moon Tossed

President Barack Obama's proposed budget gives NASA a $6 billion 5-year boost but aborts early attempts to return to the moon and turns over space transportation to commercial companies.

The space agency's budget would grow to $19 billion in 2011 under the proposed budget released on Monday, with an emphasis on science and less spent on space exploration.

It "adds $6 billion to NASA's budget over five years and draws upon American ingenuity to enable us to embark on an ambitious 21st Century program of human space exploration," the budget proposal reads.

But the plan ends the Constellation program "which was planning to use an approach similar to the Apollo program to return astronauts back to the Moon 50 years after that program's triumphs."

The budget notes that an independent panel found the moon program was years behind schedule.

"Instead, we are launching a bold new effort that invests in American ingenuity for developing more capable and innovative technologies for future space exploration," it reads.

The new budget, which is subject to change by Congress, also extends operations at the International Space Station past its planned retirement date of 2016, suggesting such potential additions as inflatable space habitats.

I'm saddened, but, honestly, this was expected. Space goals never survive past administrations it seems. I have to wonder what the follow-on to the Orion capsule is going to be. A Dragon derived one? There are some bits of hope in here. One being that the budget is growing.

However, I believe, strongly, that NASA needs to have some of its missions trimmed. The earth observing mission ought to be handed over to NOAA. I have to wonder if we ought not to scrap NASA as is and reform the thing. Spin NACA back out. The aeronautics and astronautics has been a troubled marriage at best. Then make a department of space or some such.

Looks like it'll be a while before we get any more additions to the A's on the map. Damnit. I was promised moon colonies when I was a kid! We may just do it with or without, Mr President. Hopefully, we'll be announcing something big this week or next for Team Phoenicia. We'll see. The investing class is a fickle bunch.

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